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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

Exclusive Interview with Singer, Songwriter, and Guitarist Lelia Broussard

Q) Lelia, you loved to sing as a little girl, but you didn’t pick up a guitar until you were about thirteen.  At fifteen you record your first album, “Louisiana Soul”.   Not only did you record it, but two of the songs were also featured on different episodes of “Joan of Arcadia”. That must have been extremely exciting for you.  Can you share a little with us regarding that experience?  

Oh, well it was so long ago for me, I don't even remember really. It was awesome though. A DJ from WXPN in Philadelphia sent my music to this music supervisor, who placed the songs, At the time, I believe I was touring somewhere and didn't get to even see it, but it was very exciting.

Q) When it came to your dreams as a musician, who was your biggest supporters as you were growing up?

My mom has been my biggest supporter and my fans, from day 1, I have had the best fans that were extremely supportive of me.

Q) When you were younger and just starting out in music, who was your idol, Lelia?

I've always liked all kinds of music, so just about everything has influenced me. Big Bird was my idol and Lambchop of course.


Q) You were born in Louisiana?  It sounds as if your Louisiana heritage runs deep.  You have mentioned that you love to cook Cajun food, especially in-season crawdads.  You have also lived in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and New York. Is there any one place that you feel is truly home?

As a traveling musician, the home has to be wherever I am at the moment, but my family is in Los Angeles, so that is home for now, but I love Louisiana a lot. And New York is also home to me.

Q) Lelia, where was your most memorable performance and why?

There really isn't one performance that stands out particularly. Although I did sing at the Philadelphia Grammy party a few years ago in front of a lot of people like Patti Labelle and a bunch of others that I can't remember right now...I think Patti called me a "little girl".

Q) What are you currently working on?

I recently finished my latest record "Masquerade" which is coming out on November 2nd all over. It's the project I am the most excited and proud of. I think people will be surprised and will also really like it. The response has been great. People are tweeting about the record and the songs, and it's getting a lot of positive press, so I am excited to be putting that out. People can listen to a couple of the songs on Bandcamp now.

Q) Is there anything that you would like to share with your fans, Lelia?

My fans are the most amazing people. They are responsible for me being able to do this latest record and I am very appreciative of them, I try to send out little fun freebies to them all the time (sign up on my email list to get some stuff!!)

Interview by Cindy Callinsky

Waiting On the 9 (EP)

original Copyright © 2010

website is no longer up. Pulling my original articles from Wayback machine.

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Interview with Singer, Songwriter, and Guitarist Lelia Broussard

Mary, thank you for the help, and a huge thank you to Lelia for taking the time to do this.  She is extremely busy right now.