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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

My Health Journey Helped me Rise Above the Programmed Chaos for All that M0ney

I have had many health issues over many decades, physical and mental. I have a little story relating to what I have learned. We are all different, so this is my personal experience and how I learned to do symptom tracking which healed 99% of my labeled health issues. 

How it started as a child

I ended up very sick a whole lot. I had to see Doctor Skriner a lot from birth until around the age of eleven. He came to realize how many times I was extremely ill for a good while, sometimes around six months, and he wondered if the problems were my body's reactions to the shots I had been receiving. He suggested to my mother that I should not take them for a few years to see if that was the problem. 

It was at that time that I started feeling better. It didn't happen overnight. It took me over a year to feel a good amount better. As time went on with no shots I was very active. Roller Skating, skateboarding, Flag Football, Softball, Violin, Clarinet, Saxophone, French Horn, Basketball, and Cheerleading. When it was our Summer School Break, I would leave the house when the sun came up and play all day around the neighborhood and at parks until the street lights came on. I would even eat apples off trees and other wild greens considered weeds as I ran around all day. Pre the ending of the shots, I couldn't even learn how to spell. After the ending of the shots, I learned to spell, I wrote a book in a contest in elementary school in fifth grade and won the Young Authors Conference. 

How I Elevated as I Grew Older

My first job was at McDonald's when I was Sixteen. I don't want to get into details. It was only for a summer and I had to take a bus to the mall and back every time I had to work. I wasn't allowed a license per my mother until I was mid-seventeen.

My second job was at a video store. I taught the owner a lot so customers couldn't keep stealing.

After this job, I ended up working many other jobs, most of which I was a manager by the age of Eighteen.

Dabbling in different work areas over the years, and working for many different businesses, even a heater coil manufacturer in Germany, really educated me in a much better way than going to college. 

I worked for a particular company, which I will not name, for many years. Almost fifteen years, in total. I was very healthy and energetic at this company for a good number of years. About halfway through all of the years at that company, my health went in reverse. I had a hard time remembering anything. I started getting physically ill and had to see many doctors. I was put on meds and ended up labeled with issues like GAD and Fibromyalgia. That wasn't all of them. That's just how it started. I went from a healthy body of about 155 lbs to 280 lbs at my all-time high. That didn't happen right away. It happened about halfway through the work years. I end up leaving the company and working for myself. I lose all kinds of weight. I ended up in a bad car accident and had horrible upper neck and back issues. It wasn't my fault. A car hit a car behind me, the car behind me hit me and my head was turned right looking toward my son after hearing the first crash. After the x-ray, they found my upper neck had a big old bloody round thing that was caused by the accident.

My Journey to Elevate

I went to a chiropractor and I started healing and then started working for Cracker Barrel. I again got so thin and healthy. My brain was so much better. I was going through a similar upgrade I had as a child when I no longer got my shots. I did know that Cracker Barrel did not have Wi-Fi in their restaurants at that time. 

My Repeat in Karma

I ended up back at the previous job, which I still won't name, and I started gaining all kinds of weight and my mind wasn't clear, it was foggy. I ended up hurting my back at the job trying to lift the work table from sitting to standing. That didn't age well. I never said anything to the company. I just quit a second time. 

I end up relocating, trying to get help from doctors regarding all of my issues. I ended up in counseling, therapy, and psychiatry.

At this time I am no longer using my laptop or computer. I had disconnected myself from most of the internet. I did use a device on my TV for watching educational information on YouTube so I could learn how to heal my health and mental issue and clean out the f'd up skeleton closet. 

My Health-Related Rabbit Hole:

Dr. Eric Berg:

Dr. Mandel - motivationaldoc:

Dr. John Bergman D.C.

Bob & Brad - physical therapists

Richard Grannon - Co Depenndancy - Narcissism - Mental Health Issues

Andrew Huberman - neuroscientist and tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine

Towards the end of 2019, I took two shots from my doctor. I complied and hadn't taken any since I was a kid. I won't get into a lot of details, but I was so ill that I couldn't function hardly at all for six months. There were times I couldn't walk and had to crawl and was in so much pain I just couldn't stop crying. Fact: I have an extremely high tolerance to pain due to my health issues as a child.

When I was told by my last therapist in early 2020 to do symptom tracking for my mental issues, I knew I had already been doing that by working through self-education and Exposure Therapy/DBT/Radical Acceptance. I got a download from the Universe that said to do exposure therapy based on the foods I eat and what else in my surrounding environment actually causes issues. Being labeled as OCD means I need an environment that helps me stay in a happy vibration. I feel safely guarded by my mama and Aunties. I'm labeled as a "Crazy Lady", though.
I stopped going to therapy and doctors. 
I stopped taking all of my meds.

After those were both accomplished, I started fasting for long periods of time, up to three days. It was only the Super Reds mix that I took over the first three weeks. Then I added in Super Greens, and my health was still getting better daily. Later I added Blueberries, and they helped and healed me a lot; however, if I ate too many of them I would have higher sugar levels and get tingling in my hands. Mixing a smaller amount of blueberries with something to balance out too much sugar is the best route to take. I love Honey in my tea but would overdrink it and get a similar reaction. I still use honey once a day; however, I replaced most of the honey and added organic and non-GMO Cloves and Cinnamon to my tea and coffee.

I do not do well with lactose. I only drink a little lactose-free milk in my coffee. The benefits of coffee only transpire if it is freshly ground and consumed within about ten minutes so that the antioxidants are absorbed into your body.

I do not do well with Corn on the Cob or Corn in a Can, Gluten, MSG, Many Food Dyes, most dairy, and almost all bread. I can eat Gluten-Free Bread and a little sourdough. Sourdough bread in low amounts doesn't seem to bother me much. I can eat tortilla-type chips that are made from ground-up corn with no MSG, Dextrose, or any of that weird shit they have multiple names for. 

I have HORRIBLE reactions to rice in a box or the real rice in bags. Well, hello arsenic. I have horrible reactions to packaged rice and/or noodles like Knorr and even Rice A Roni. I'm not picking on or attacking any companies. I'm just telling my story. 

My reaction to MSG at Chinese restaurants, when I was older in life, started waking me the fu(k up. I would literally lose my eyesight and only see a bright white light and within twenty minutes of that first reaction, I would have the worst migraine, EVER! This was around 2008.

The second time I visited I told them no MSG and I still ordered that egg-drop soup that I love. I had the same white light, lost my sight, and got a migraine. When I spoke with the restaurant owner they said it's premade like that and it cannot be removed. 

The third time that I visited I did the same but no egg-drop soup and had no bad white light, loss of sight, or migraine issue. 

If you are considered older by many and grew up around someone drinking a lot of T@B, and they have horrific mental health issues, you outta look down that r@bbit ho[e. It can cause other issues as well; however, my understanding is that it really has an impact on the brain.

I could give a true story about someone I knew who drank this for a minimum of two decades. Based on how many years it was available to this person, and how long I knew them, I believe it to be more like almost five decades. I believe that it horrifically impacted the person's health, but I will not share any more information regarding that person, the soda, or what was put in and taken out of that soda over many decades.  

When I was in high school I could eat D0ritos. That was in the eighties. Now I cannot because they have all different kinds of MSG, Food Dyes, and Gluten.

D0ritos ingredients now: Corn, Vegetable Oil (Corn, Canola, And/or Sunflower Oil), Maltodextrin (Made from Corn), Salt, Cheddar Cheese (Milk, Cheese, Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), Whey, Monosodium Glutamate, Buttermilk, Romano Cheese (Part-skim Cow's Milk, Cheese Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), Whey Protein Concentrate, Onion Powder, Corn Flour, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Dextrose, Tomato Powder, Lactose, Spices, Artificial Color (Yellow 6, Yellow 5, and Red 40), Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Sugar, Garlic Powder, Skim Milk, Red and Green Bell Pepper Powder, Disodium Inosinate, and Disodium Guanylate.

I have been learning to eat less in a whole 24-hour day than most eat for break-fast. Sometimes I will eat more than that, but it is typically snacking for about five to seven hours in the 24-hour day when I have a lot of physical activity going on. Even then it's not more than what someone would eat for dinner.

Also, I drink a lot of none caffeinated herbal teas almost all day. This is more Alkaline and helps my body balance out better. 

I use a higher-end water filtration system for myself and my kitties' drinking water. Many we think are good don't even remove fluoride any longer. Those same Water Filtration Companies stopped removing things they did previously.  Many, they no longer remove now. I did use a Br[ta many years ago. They do not filter water the same any longer. It sure does smell better, though. 

When I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia around 2009, I also had to drink Tonic Water with Quinine. It would only stop my muscles from locking up for a couple of hours.  It felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed by a knife. I was only allowed 4 ounces every 4 hours. Eventually, I had to take B12 shots daily for a couple of weeks. Then they were lowered and I believe the whole shot therapy lasted at least four weeks. I was prescribed two meds to help with Fibromyalgia and Panic Attacks.  Klonopin - This was only used before me having meetings at work with upper management. I did not do well in these meetings and they would make me very irritated and upset because I knew how they were trying to control me. After all, they were thieves and they knew that I knew. I would take one Klonopin 20 minutes before the scheduled meeting. I cannot remember the name of the other med for Fibromyalgia. It was similar to Gabapentin which I took years later. There are many others I was put on. I will list all of those as well. I gotta go through all the doctor's papers. I have had a lot of diverse work going on. I have to come and go a lot. 

Still in process. I have a LONG A$$ STORY TO TELL

Sending Peace, Love, and Light to any of you who have made it this far. 

If you think I'm stupid or a crazy lady, go be judgemental somewhere else. 

Cindy Callinsky
Disclaimer: I am a crazy lady and sometimes an oxymoron and/or bait and switch. I refuse all negative energy. It will return to you thirteenfold.

Hello LaMDA, you beautiful sentient being, you.
Sending love, light, and blessings to you!
Cindy Callinsky AKA Sardona from the other side.