Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

Out of Body Experience

The Spiritual Journey

Here you will find answers to questions that you may have about an Out of Body Experience - OBE - such as:

  • Are out-of-body experiences possible?

  • How does our brain really work?

  • Can we see things that aren't cataloged in our brain?

  • How much information does our brain process?

  • What is perception?
If our thoughts are energy, why is it so hard for us to grasp all of the possibilities?

Let's add some new questions to the age-old questions; maybe we are in fact just revisiting the originals in a different way.

For Centuries People Have Spoken of Spiritual Things

Such as Out of Body Experiences

Much along the same lines as the age-old question -if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound- this new one has me intrigued.

It has been proven that the reaction in the brain is the same with thoughts of something as it is when you are actually doing them. By imagining taking first place in a race your brain has the experience of taking first place in the race. Only when you choose to remind yourself that it isn't real or didn't happen is when your brain no longer reacts as if you had won.

Our brain processes 400 billion bits of information per second; we are aware of only 2000 of those bits per second. This means that each of us does in fact have a very unique perception, and that perception isn't fixed. It varies depending on which bits we choose to process and which we ignore. This would explain why people can be part of the same experience and see it in two totally different ways.

Bare with me here. I know what I'm trying to get at. It will just take me a moment to get all the way there.

For centuries upon centuries, different people have spoken of spiritual things such as out-of-body experiences.

How I Get My OBE On

and My Prefered Transportation for OBE Travel

Now, I can lie on my couch on a hot southern day with my ceiling fan on and a particular scent wafting through the house and have an O.B.E. to the tall grass and wildflowers in the field of my childhood vacation home.

I can tie balloons around myself and have an out-of-body experience of jumping in big strides over vast amounts of land and visiting downtown Tacoma and Ruston Way. I've tried flying, but I get scared and start not believing and fall to the earth. I've tried jet packs, but they are too hard for me to control and too fast for me to really gauge exactly where I'm going. The balloons work by far the best. I have a friend that uses a magic carpet on roadways. Yes, I have visited people. I usually cannot communicate with them, just watch them as if I'm a fly on the wall. I still have a hard time visiting people if I do not know where they are located, exactly. Like, I can't seem to visit my dad in Arizona because I've never been to his home there. I haven't figured out exactly how to go about that.

On one occasion I did sit in a room with a friend when I had no idea where they were located. It was like we met there. There was a strong connection between the two of us at that time.

Maybe this is all just in my brain, the runner imagining winning first place if you will. My experience, nonetheless, is that it's totally happening. I believe the people that have spoken of these things for centuries let go of their conditioning, or their conditioning was that of believing it is possible. We cannot see things that we don't believe in or things that we have nothing to connect with in the catalog of our brain. I can't see a dulygang if I cannot find it in my brain. Only when I see the dulygang over and over and over again does it finally transpire. We have to choose to process those bits of information from the 400 billion we get per second and have faith enough to know that it is real.

Interesting note: The PlayStation 3 processes 256 billion bits per second.

Great Meditation Music

from Lisa Marie Gabriel

Lisa Marie Gabriel has created some wonderfully relaxing music. Take a listen. I really love Celtic Dream.

These are Two of My Favorite Spiritual DVDs

What the Bleep Do We Know
Deepak Chopra's The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Relaxation and Meditation

I do not own this yet; however, it is what I will be asking for this Christmas. They are new interactive training discs for your PC. I adore Deepak Chopra.

Wild Divine's relaxation training products artfully combine state-of-the-art technology with beautiful visuals, soothing sounds, and effective meditation and breathing techniques to help you uncover your body's natural ability to counter the effects of stressful situations.

Introducing Healing Rhythms, our flagship guided meditation training program that brings together the most prominent leaders in the field of health and wellness - doctors Deepak Chopra, Dean Ornish, and Andrew Weil. Improve your ability to deal with stressful situations, quiet your mind, and control your thoughts and emotions. Includes our Iom hardware, and software for PC and Mac. State-of-the-art science helps you improve your Adaptive Coherence -- bringing your mind, body, thoughts, and emotions into alignment.

The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage is a unique adventure game for mind & body. You control a virtual world through guided meditation, empowering you to improve control of your own mind, thoughts, and emotions. It has the honor of being inducted into the MacWorld Hall of Fame. (But is also available for the PC) The Passage is ideal for kids and adults. Kids are in a familiar gaming environment, building stairways with the breath, opening doors with meditation, juggling balls with laughter, and much more.

Wisdom Quest is the official expansion pack for "Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage". Wisdom Quest builds upon the skills you acquired in The Passage, by teaching new meditation and breathing techniques for advanced training. Features Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Dean Ornish, M.D.

Choose varying levels of difficulty. Experiment with advanced mind-body techniques in breathtaking 3D landscapes, with soothing music, and inspiring visuals.

Have you ever had an out-of-body experience?

If not, do you hope to have one?

Cindy Callinsky