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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

Polish Humor - VW Beetle - Fireflies - JBL and Sovereign

I'm Polish. Does that explain it?

Here are some funny stories - Polish Humor - from over the years. When I look back on these they make me laugh like Santa on Christmas morning. You know... that deep, gut-busting kinda laugh. I hope that you get a kick out of them.
  • The Beetle that you could dance on.
  • The Missing Bug.
  • Those Freaky Deaky Fireflies.
  • The Bass that Could be Heard for Blocks.
The Beetle You Could Dance On

Polish Humor

So, a story came up today at work that got me thinking about some stuff from my past. Here goes:

It's a nice warm day. I have my beautiful, black, seventy-four Super Beetle parked out front. She is shiny, in the sunlight, due to her recent bath. After wiping her down I go get my dad's new polisher from the parin' room. I grab the polish and extension cord. It's probably around eleven in the morning when I start my hard labor.

The time rushes by as I try to buff the polish out. I am still at it when my dad arrives home after a hard day at his gas station. That means that it's around four in the afternoon. I immediately go from happy to frustrated because I've been at this too long, and she's so not shined up like she should be.

My dad closes the door to his glimmering, recently polished Ford pickup. I immediately assault him with words, "Dad, you gotta help me. I've been buffing forever and I can't get 'er to shine like yours."

"How long have you been at it?"

I count on my fingers and scrunch my nose. "Five hours?"

Dad reaches down and grabs the polish. He looks down at it and says, "You gotta car you can dance on."

I look at him, confused and irritated. "What?"

He holds the wax out to me, "Floor wax. You won't have to treat 'er again for a year." He bursts into laughter.
The Missing Bug

Polish Humor

I'm jabbering on the phone with my girlfriend, Candie. We are making plans to cruise Ruston Way. I'm standing by my front door talking on the corded, rotary phone that is attached to the wall. I pull the front door curtain aside to admire my beautiful VW. It takes a moment to realize that she's not there. "Shit! Someone stole my car!"

I slam the phone down and scream through the house in total panic, "Dad! Dad! Daaaadddd!"

Dad comes running into the living room in total panic. "What the hell's wrong?"

I am in tears as I maintain my high decibel level. "So.. soo.. meone stole my Bee- Beetle!"

Dad throws open the front door, stomps outside, and points down the block. "Would that be it?"

I run outside to find my girl across the street and at the end of the block. As I take off running to her my dad screams, "Use HER emergency break next time!"

Those Freaky Deaky Fireflies

Polish Humor

My husband and I recently arrived in Virginia after a tour of Europe. We have just rented a beautiful A-frame with a huge back deck and an in-ground pool. My husband and I haven't gotten along in years so I'm sitting on the back deck trying to find some glimpse of serenity. I'm enjoying the animal sounds that escape from the dark woods. This place will be my home for all three weeks (whoops, different story). All of a sudden I see a flashlight in the woods. Hell, I might be seeing things so I scoured the woods with my eyes. Wait... there it is, again! I'm officially afraid now. I run into the house and scream at Stephen, "There's somebody in the woods!"

"No there's not."

I point out the big glass doors towards the woods. "There is! Got a flashlight?"

Stephen gets up looking as if I have interrupted some type of meditation time and storms out of the door. I follow him to the woods and point whenever I see the flashlight.

Stephen whispers, "What? I don't see anything."

This goes on and on. I point, over and over, but he never sees what I see. We look like idiots combing the woods. Geez, he must be drunk.

Frustrated, I lean in close, scrunch my eyes, and whisper, "You can't see 'em?" I move my hand with my eyes as I scan the woods. I whisper, again. "It looks like there's about three of 'em with penlights."

Stephen doubles over laughing and screams, "Shit, Cindy! Those are fireflies!"

The Bass That Could Be Heard For Blocks

Polish Humor

I'm newly separated and soon to be happily divorced. I managed to get a kick-ass job in a town that has, well not much. My rented house is tiny but I do own a killer stereo. A Kenwood Sovereign receiver powers my JBL HLS speakers which are everywhere. I don't get off work until late but the "new me" party has already started in my tiny house. See, most of the people I work with are already there. Rock on I say.

I check in at the house when I get off. All is well... almost.

Some dude has managed to find my German beer shooter? He also wears my tall, black and white checkered, funky, German fest hat. They both came from the Volksfest that took place in Heidelberg. That totally rubs me the wrong way because I got those with Cat. Besides that, it means he was going through stuff that was off-limits. He probably doesn't know that he has pissed me off, though; so, I try to brush it off.

Jackie and I walk a few blocks to where his girlfriend lives so that we can walk her back to my place. On our return, we hear some loud noise that makes all of us look around. It sounds like they are mining under Main Street. That is so bad because the schools aren't far and there are a lot of businesses.

We reach the top of Church Hill and my house comes into view. That's when we realize that the noise is coming from my house. Holy, it's the speakers, receiver, and A.R. sub. My friend Jackie stops dead in his tracks and looks at me, panicked. He is waiting for my reaction. I look at him as if I'm mad but it doesn't work for long. I grin wickedly and nod my head. "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"

Jackie grins and we high-five each other.

The cops show up later as music pumps through my system. They hand me a copy of the Wise County Noise Ordinance. I flutter my eyelashes, smile big, and apologize even bigger. As soon as the officers leave I grab the frame that hangs above my front-right JBL and proudly slide it in as my new award. I place the frame back on the wall and open the Sovereign back up. The crowded room breaks out in cheers.

Note: I still have that award and the cops never came back that night! HA!

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Peace, Love, and Kindness.

Cindy Callinsky