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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

The String Theory Simplified

What is The String Theory?

Here you will find the string theory simplified. There have been multiple string theories over the years.

  • The Bosonic String Theory believes there are 26 spacetime dimensions.
  • The Superstring Theory cuts the dimensions down to 10.
  • Maxwell's Theory (M-Theory) believes spacetime to have 11 dimensions. It's the master theory at this time. It combines all of the original string theories. It is considered the Theory of Everything.

Vibration is the Key When Talking about The String Theory

The String Theory Simplified

Subatomic Particles is what we are referring to. They are no longer believed to be tiny balls of energy. They are now believed to be strings. There are open strings and closed strings. Strings can break, combine, and vibrate.

You get different particles depending on how the string vibrates, much like the notes of a string on an instrument. You get a different note depending on how the string vibrates.

The Universe's Fundamental Forces

The String Theory Simplified

- Einstein's Theory of General Relativity

Electromagnetism and Weak and Strong Nuclear Forces
- Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics

are believed to be the four fundamental forces in the universe.

String Theory is the result of an attempt to explain all four forces, The Theory of Everything.
Einstein's Cosmos

 Einstein's Theories

 What was Einstein's impact on science? Who was Einstein, really?

 This is an easy-to-read and extremely interesting breakdown of the   different theories such as:

 *General Relativity Theory
 *Unification Theory
 *Quantum Theory
 *Unfinished Theory

The String Theory Simplified:

Open strings are attached to the brane (membrane) on which they exist in. This keeps matter contained within the brane.

Closed strings are unattached to their brane, They are able to move away from it. These closed strings are able to move between dimensions.

We (human bodies) are believed to be open strings. This is why we cannot perceive/see these other dimensions.

They believe gravity to be coming over, leaking if you will, from a different dimension.

Want to Learn More About

The String Theory

 The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden   Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory