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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

Curriculum and Instruction in Education

I Prefer Diversification

My Self Education via Reading and Research is 
Much More Beneficial than Paying for College Courses

Green Plaid Flannel Jacket

No matter where I am, I always feel like I’m home when I wear it. 


It’s what makes the world brilliantly wonderful and sparkly. Without it, the world would be a very mind-numbing place.  


They give a sense of newly found hope. What we have failed… they may be able to realign.  


Being the girlfriend of a guy in the band.  See, it was the biggest statement of non-conformity at that time.  

The people that I work well with are helpful regarding their diversity so we wake up from the mind-numbing world as a team. I say team; however, it is a very small team.  The more we self-educate based on our surrounding energy from other yucky energies, the more we arise and transcend. 

When allowed, it unlocks our deepest thoughts and the emotions that have boxed us up for many years. I say years but it is decades. Wake up, and release any stored trauma in your mind and body. It is important to release the stored trauma here and there over time. Just remove a Skelton bone from your closet (mind and body) every so often. This will continually heal you over time

My favorite being on the current earth is:

My Beautiful Son

My favorite throwback show that I loved the most as a child:

Grizzly Adams 


Thank you Duchess of Elements

Any others who love that show you may want to follow that channel. He has the other Movie 

Life and Times of Grizzly Adams

I do well with less than 1% of most humans on the earth. I'm not afraid of the other side; however, I never want to cause pain to my one and only beautiful son. I've got more funny blabbing to do about my honesty regarding how I have spirits visit me when they pass. I say that but when they pass they don't move over right away, and their spirits do travel and sometimes visit to send love or give a warning to keep your soul protected. They do try to educate your soul so you go to another realm/dimension.

I prefer to rise up to the other higher dimensions and go down my own empathic and epic path.

That photo of me in the Green Plaid Flannel Jacket was from 2007. Bawhaahaaa

I had it for a super long time. It did fall apart this year in 2023 during the Spring. I had to finally throw it away. I am fairly certain I had it for almost 20 years. Because I work my patootie bootie off so much through different seasons, it's like I go in a circle over and over and over again, even throughout each day. 

The more diversifying I do cleaning here and there and everywhere a little at a time is physically way more healthy for my body and mind. Because I walk all around 75% of my awake day I get so much cleaned and so many more upgrades done. I also rarely sleep eight hours. I work such long shifts and have done that for so many years that it is easier for me to get more done. I'm now through year four and the upgrades on this property are about 75% finished. It will be done by the Summer of this coming year ...2024. Gottta work on the backyard/garden and the yucky decaying shed that is almost down now. I just have to pull out one more backroom carpet and hall carpet. I also have to finish the kitchen upgrade and fix the small laundry room. The amount of work I have put in on this old home and property has really improved the home to the degree that many on the block are Shellshocked...


Just a little more info...

The reason I signed up at a community college but quit within about three months is because I was very upset and irritated over the classes/courses I had to take and the amount I had to pay that wasn't at all related to the path I was trying to go down. A lot of what colleges teach us is typically not even 50% of what we should be educated on related to what we decide we want to do. My example is I wanted to be a Psychiatrist; however, the circle the community college was sending me in wasn't covering 33% of what was actually related to the classes/courses I should or should not take, but had to take them regardless. This is their money googling poop fest. 

Just my opinion. We are all different shifting energies but we are all one.


Cindy Callinsky AKA Sardona from the Other Realm