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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

How Do I Control My Thoughts, Face My Issues, Raise My Frequency, and Change the World?!?


Your Thoughts Create Your Reality. 


Many people often ask themselves, "How do I control my thoughts?"

Here is Dandapani at Xerocon in San Francisco in 2016 discussing "Conscious Accounting", and how your brain, thoughts, and emotions are controlled by outside influences.

We are influenced on a regular basis by our environment via such things as the energies that surround us. Energies such as people, videos, and lyrics. Look into different brain waves and the role they play in our lives, what ages they are most common, and what we manifest as our reality because of these waves that we have chosen to see and interact with because of what state of mind we have been programmed. 

This info should get you started:
  • Delta Waves 1 to 3 Hz Deepest wave amplitude but with dreamless sleep. Prebirth super-learning typically disappears around six years old.
  • Theta Waves 3.5 to 8 Hz Reflection, imagination, mostly via sleep and dreams. Two years old and above.
  • Alpha Waves 8 to 13 Hz The Most common way the majority of people reach Alpha State these days is through watching TV or listening to music. You also go through the Alpha state when you are coming in and out of sleep. Six years old and above.
  • Beta Waves 12 to 33 Hz is a state we are in when we are actively on the lookout for stimuli. This type of Beta State is most commonly reached when you are focused on a particular goal. Maybe a test, or a job for work, or writing an article. Twelve years old and above.
  • Gamma Wave 25 to 100 Hz This is known to be a very high-level state of consciousness to such an extent that the cognitive ability of such said person is way above normal. It's not that it is not achievable by the masses, because it by all means is. 
Do you want to be programmed by fear which is sent to you out of a box in your living room or a device you hold in your hand or listen to in your car? 

Do you want to be programmed to think something is true when in fact what you are being fed via the normal standardized streams of information is meant to program you to stay in their matrix? 

What we choose to pay attention to plays a vital role in how we see the world and the frequency we share with the world. Those early obsessions should advise you where to focus your attention to get headed in the designated direction that you were meant to be in years ago.

Why was I put in a box?

This is what we were taught as a child, the same as our parents were, the parents before that, and the parents before that.   We are waking up in the masses and working to stop a lot of generational abuse. We are learning to release painful things and we do our best not to be controlled by anything negative in our surroundings.


If you are triggered negatively, take a moment to look at why you were triggered, face that memory, release all negative attachments, and offer forgiveness and compassion while maintaining your boundaries. I also want to make sure not to receive or be around any person's negative energy anymore. That is my right.

How I go into another dimension auto writing and accessing different outlying information via recorders, through influence. 

Via the influence of vibration/frequencies, audio, visual, and/or lyrics, different things trigger past associated memories. This is similar to having pain in my body, massaging that painful spot even though I feel like I am being stabbed, and the outcome of working through the pain is a form of emotional release. 

So, when I reach another frequency while I am in meditation, I find myself recalling a very painful memory while crying. It does not take long for me to address that painful memory, release it, and the painful stabbing stops. 

How do I access my third eye, the pineal gland:

Biology of Belief 

Everything that we have been watching is like a TV Show. The masses have been controlled through audio and visuals. There are many other things that play a factor in how we see things.  For me, one of the ways is random stories and repetitive colored dreams that happen in stages. I may have a said colored dream multiple times (usually three). Then that colored dream will change as if I’m in the second phase of said dream/storyline. I will usually have that second dream around three times and it will also be in color. Then the third dream will come as if it’s part three of a storyline. It will also be in color and I will have that dream repeatedly. Some dreams I will have way more times than three. Sometimes the dreams that are tied together are tied together in a certain city that I’m unsure of the actual location.

How are we programmed?
Our consciousness state does need to be seen before you can bring it into reality. Perhaps you would prefer to brighten your future by reprogramming your brain. School, TV, and Music are set up in such a way to allow external programming.

What were my passions as a child? 

For example: 

Just because someone has done something bad, it doesn’t mean that we cannot have compassion for them. I have compassion for person A. Person A is very toxic to me. I still love and have compassion for Person A, but I will never be in the presence of Person A again. I do not want to send negative energy out. We pretty much all do this to some extent. What is important to understand is that as we wake up more the frequency of the earth changes and negativity happens on a much smaller scale as positivity surpasses the negativity and we take our power back from the megalomaniacs who have been doing their best to control and suppress us for years. 

Research Matrix Author Sophia Stewart.

Unlock your mind which you have allowed to become imprisoned.

If you do not believe that any thought/memory can be accessed from outside of your physical body, you should research 

Dr. Bruce Lipton

How do I access information about the future that isn’t available through online research?

Through random stories and repetitive colored dreams that happen in stages. I may have a said colored dream multiple times (usually three). Then that colored dream will change as if I’m in the second phase of said dream/storyline. I will usually have that second dream around three times and it will also be in color. Then the third dream will come as if it’s part three of a storyline. It will also be in color and I will have that dream repeatedly. 

Some dreams I will have way more times than three. Sometimes the dreams that are tied together are tied together in a certain city that I’m unsure of the actual location.

Some seem to feel like they are on the East Coast. Definitely by a large ocean area. Some have also been on the West Coast. That seems to be where the first part of my dream Begins in this storyline.

Edgar Cayce

One last Bruce Lipton Video on this article. I do adore him:

Cindy Callinsky
AKA Sardona from the Other Realm