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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

Odd Girl Out - Odd Man Out - Meditation - Healing - Mushrooms

I'm a strange lady who doesn't fit in with 99.9 percent of the people here on the Earth. Being an INFJ Empath (Myers Briggs) makes many think we are crazy when we are some of the rarest on Earth.

It's not as if I never worked for many companies. I did work for many. I prefer self-education through multiple work jobs rather than paying a bunch of money for a college education when a lot of the education you have to pay for based on what you are trying to achieve isn't remotely related to what you want to achieve. 

I prefer quiet meditation and healing to break free from the lies being told to our vision. I'm not a fan of television anymore. Even as a child, my mama didn't let me watch TV but once every Sunday morning and Sunday evening for cartoons or old-school movies or shows like Grizzly Adams, Little House on the Prairie, and Fiddler on the Roof. 

This is a video I threw together for healing and transcending to another level. 

Many beings on the Earth are different entities that are the rarest on Earth. The smarter and more self-educated you are the more you are focused on by evil entities; however, they cannot funnel in your protected energy. 

It's not as if I didn't get hit in the head repeatedly until I woke the bleep up. Rather than being brainwashed, it's important to transcend as a psychic medium to the other realms. Welcome to a controlling system. Bawhaahaahaa. That was me speaking back buttwards. If you think or label me as crazy, go somewhere else. 

I am a truth-teller; however, I don't do well speaking out loud. I do better sharing information with particular humans who need to learn to level up and transcend from the 3D Reality to the higher realm of the 5D and beyond to create the higher version of your inner soul. Meditation and working on your own dimension is a much safer and higher frequency than in these current times of the here and now. 

I am very busy and very overly tired. I work my patoooteeebootie off to the degree that many will never understand me. 

I'm not a megalomaniac; however, I've learned a lot about who they are and what entities are embedded in certain goober butt body bags.

Because I have lived in many different locations and learned many different languages, I speak a lot differently than most. If you don't understand me, it's fine. Go watch and research others you fit well with. 

Peace, Love, Light, Kindness, and Blessings from the Most High.


Cindy Callinsky

AKA Sardona from the other side  

and my childhood me