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Cindy Callinsky Artist, Photographer, as Well as Article, Book, and Screenplay Author

Ode To Pregnancy - I Love My Son The Most of All

I love you, JWD. You are the most important thing in my life. Happy 30th Birthday in five days. I wish I was there with you. I'll be back soon. Sending all of my love. Here's an oldie but goodie:

Ode To Pregnancy

Ahh… the incredible feeling of giving life.

The peace of knowing that part of you will walk the earth long after you are gone.

The special times that you will share cuddling with this new miniature human being that is sprouting from your innermost being, the expanding waistline continues to become bigger until you think it cannot possibly get any more whale-ish. Wait. ✋ What?

HA! You’re only three-quarters of the way there!

Accompanying your expanding waistline every other part of your body plumps. Unlike a Ballpark, no heat is required.

Then, you are privileged to the precious experience of your hormones going absolutely berserk.

When it’s finally time to welcome your new, “One of a kind,” addition to the world, there is no fear, second thoughts, or questions. It’s all about, “Get this thing out of me! And, now!”

In this day and age, you would think they would have come up with something more humane than having a woman trying to push something that is the size of a turkey out of a hole that is really not bigger than a well-known, long, skinny, yellow fruit.

I guess the humane part comes into play when they stick that long thick needle deep into your spine, grinding it around to get it into the prime spot. If you can make it through a “natural” childbirth, kudos to you.

Instead of a mother-wife looking after you there are strangers looking at your private parts just waiting for something to shoot out.

After hours of pushing, grunting, and moaning you find yourself with a baby.

When it’s all said and done and all the gunk and shit is cleaned up, it truly is spiritual. When this new, beautiful, baby is finally caressed lovingly in your arms you feel a sense of euphoria of the likes you have never experienced before.

If you only have one child, you will never experience it again.

If you never have a child, you will never understand.

This is one of the few things that you will wonder, “How did I make it through that?” Yet, you’ll long to be part of that magic again -cognitive dissonance. LOL

It is where the beginning and the end absolutely make up for everything in the middle, no matter how bad you felt in the process.

C. Callinsky 
AKA Sardona from the other realm.
Peace, Love, Light, and Kindness to all the good-hearted kind souls.